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Housing Units

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Housing Units

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
December 3,

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4,417 - 8,143
8,143 - 18,514
18,514 - 29,386
29,386 - 40,005
40,005 - 299,698
Housing units
Housing units
7 - 1,633
1,633 - 4,576
4,576 - 9,742
9,742 - 17,501
17,501 - 26,213
Housing units
Housing units
Countysort column Housing unitssort column
Adair 8,143
Cherokee 22,628
Craig 6,398
Delaware 24,652
Mayes 18,514
McIntosh 11,982
Muskogee 29,386
Nowata 4,417
Ottawa 13,771
Rogers 40,005
Sequoyah 18,283
Tulsa 299,698
Wagoner 35,523
Washington 24,125
Regionsort column Housing unitssort column
Cherokee Nation Reservation 302,025
Zip Codesort column Housing unitssort column
74003 6,889
74006 12,492
74008 13,218
74011 13,052
74012 26,213
74014 17,501
74015 3,818
74016 2,744
74017 12,669
74019 8,167
74021 8,660
74022 764
74027 533
74029 2,264
74033 5,082
74036 3,120
74037 9,057
74042 332
74048 2,608
74051 807
74053 2,079
74055 19,789
74061 907
74063 13,359
74070 6,240
74072 622
74073 2,252
74080 1,112
74082 54
74083 397
74103 1,020
74104 5,604
74105 14,720
74106 7,889
74107 8,801
74108 2,867
74110 6,180
74112 10,539
74114 8,137
74115 9,541
74116 2,014
74117 28
74119 3,069
74120 3,137
74126 4,492
74127 7,646
74128 5,129
74129 7,814
74130 944
74132 5,285
74133 22,771
74134 9,742
74135 11,008
74136 16,382
74137 12,450
74145 8,927
74146 6,465
74171 177
74301 5,961
74330 1,250
74331 6,210
74332 807
74333 519
74337 2,004
74338 2,169
74339 996
74342 2,074
74343 1,458
74344 8,749
74346 3,782
74347 1,358
74349 39
74352 2,874
74354 7,811
74358 89
74359 104
74360 7
74361 7,514
74363 1,135
74364 745
74365 1,938
74366 894
74367 340
74368 30
74369 803
74370 1,814
74401 7,819
74403 13,483
74422 332
74423 392
74426 5,817
74427 1,138
74428 530
74429 6,883
74432 7,037
74434 3,865
74435 1,675
74436 1,983
74441 2,531
74450 808
74451 2,647
74452 232
74454 1,306
74455 1,633
74457 306
74458 61
74463 92
74464 13,713
74467 7,201
74469 1,005
74470 416
74471 728
74845 184
74931 768
74936 387
74948 5,344
74954 2,049
74955 6,499
74960 4,576
74962 2,523
74964 993
74965 1,930
Statesort column Housing unitssort column
Oklahoma 1,791,456
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.